HIBster enables users to generate common documents and letters with information from the incident automatically filled in. Once the document is properly configured, all the user has to do is click a single button and a complete letter is generated with all of the data from the incident already completed in the proper places.

HIBster does this by using variables. Simply add a variable to the document and information is automatically pulled from the incident and put in the document.

For example, a form letter may start like this:

January 1, 2018

To the parents and/or guardians of:

John Doe
123 Easy Street
Townville, NJ 01234

For every student, that information would have to be looked up, confirmed and then typed by hand every time a letter needed to be sent. Depending on the size of the district and the number of letters being sent home, this can take a good deal of time.

Instead, upload a document to HIBster with variables, like this:


To the Parent/Guardian of:

$StudentFirstName $StudentLastName
$StudentCity, $StudentState $StudentZip

All of that information is entered automatically — and accurately.

Variables take into account much more than just names. Variables can include the names and addresses of schools within the district; the name of the superintendent, the principal, the anti-bullying specialist that worked on the incident; the tracking number or ID for the incident; the dates and time the incident took place, the findings of the investigation; the punishment of the investigation; a list of the infractions; and on and on.

There are close to 500 variables available to choose from right now. Basically, if it is entered in a HIBster incident, there is probably a way to automatically include it in the document. To see a complete list, look here.

If there is a variable that is not included, please contact EDS Support. We've been able to add variables at the request of school districts in the past and will work with you to add a variable that you may need.