Manage the current staff assigned to your plan and notify them when they are assigned to them.

Be sure to click the email icon to send out the notification and link to the corresponding team members to your plan.

To add a new assignment to the plan, Click on the   

To email all new assignment in the current tab, Click on the 

To email an assignment, Click on the  next to one of the assignment rows.

To compare observations from different users, Click on the  

Add a new Assignment.

Select the user from the user selector menu or user the user group dropdown to find a group you would like to assign the plan to.

Click on the save and continue or save and close button.

To have them notified, Click email icon on the Staff Assigned to Plan tab.

To also assign the user to the plan, You can click the also assign to plan checkbox.

If you would like to add a new group, Click on the Edit Groups  button to be directed to the group editor page.

If you have your SIS system set up to export your students courses, a list of users will be included for quickly adding users included in the students schedule.