Last modified on February 23, 2021
Instructions for working on an I & RS case
(once you have a case, this section will walk
you through all the tabs as an I &RS coordinator/team member)
Login to your site and you will all the tabs for each
case. Please know, depending on the
complexity of the case, you may need to use all of the tabs or only a few key
General Tab
The General tab houses basic information about the student
and the intervention. This pulls
information from your school’s SIS program. It also assigns a tracking number or you can assign your own case
Assigned To:
This is the user currently assigned to the intervention.
This user has full access to view and edit the entire intervention.
To assign a new user to the intervention, click the icon of
the two people with the orange arrow, select a new user from the list and then
click Assign.
Refer buttons
If the intervention should be handled within a more specific
area, it can always be designated to that area. Click the Refer buttons — 504 /
Health / ELL — to move the intervention that the specified area.
Historical Ratings Tab
The Historical Ratings tab houses all of the intervention
history about the student. All of this
data should auto-populate when the intervention is created, but it can always
be edited and/or updated.
This tab also lists all pre-referrals associated with the
student. Keep in mind, this is all pre-referrals, not just the
pre-referral that was submitted to create this intervention. Click any pre-referral
listed to view its details and notes. This helps the I&RS team get a
broader picture of the student.
The Pre-Referral Ratings tab houses the individual ratings
for each Best Practice that were created during the pre-referral process.
During the pre-referral stage, a student will likely be
rated on several best practices multiple times. This tab lays out all of those
Keep in mind that this is not every rating
the student has ever received. These are ratings for only the pre-referral that
was submitted to create this particular intervention.
Coordinator Tasks Tab
The Coordinator Tasks tab is a list of recommended tasks
that I&RS Team should complete for each intervention. The tasks in the system are recommendations –
please follow your established practices and procedures.
These tasks are completely optional. The I&RS Team is
not obligated to complete any of the tasks.
A District Coordinator, District Administrator or Case
manager may complete any task for any intervention. An I&RS Team Member may
complete any of the Tasks if they are either assigned to the intervention or
had been added to the intervention via the Add Staff to I&RS tab.
To complete a task, click on the task. You will then complete the information in the
boxes and click the green plus sign and check off the complete box. Clicking
the Save and Close tab will take you back to the Coordinator Task window. The red circle will now show a green check
Responsible Staff
This tab allows the I & RS team
to send a plan to teachers/staff who have the student in their classes. Or you can send it to an administrator
too. After opening this tab, you can
click on the green plus sign icon and find the staff member you want to send it
to. Just click on the green email
The teacher will receive an email
about the incoming I & RS plan.
Staff Signatures
If you district chooses, you can
have your staff member – who received an I & RS plan – electronically sign
off indicating they received the plan and will implement the plan.
Parent Approval
The HIBstervention program allows
you to contact parents via an email in order to alert them about a possible
need for a plan, to send documents to parents and to communicate with them
electronically. Parental permission can
also be obtained through electronic signatures.
Opening this tab will take you to a
page where you can the contact information for a parent/guardian. You can also send out observation forms or
other documents as needed. In this
email, you can even send a personal email to the parent/guardian.
Once you complete the initial page,
click on the Save and Close tab. You
will be taken to a new page where you can add additional documents. When completed, hit the send button and the
parent will receive the email notification after you click on the green
The Observation tab allows individual Observations to be
assigned to teachers, parents, counselors, nurses — anyone with a
HIBsterVention account.
To assign an Observation, click the green plus-button icon
in the top-right corner. Select the type of Observation and a user to which the
Observation should be assigned. To notify the user that an Observation has been
assigned to them, click the green envelope next to the observation.
To compile a summary of all Observations, click the icon of
the red folder in the top-right corner.
Create/Edit I&RS Plan
Clicking on this tab will allow you to create an I & RS
plan. Once opened, 4 new tabs will be
Determine what type of plan this is.
There are also areas to add a SMART Goal and Additional
Document text.
Additional Document Text
There are also areas to add a SMART Goal and Additional
Document text.
If this I&RS Plan has specific deadlines, those may be
notated in the Start Date, End Date, Frequency and Duration fields.

Plan Allows you to create the actual plan and applied individual interventions
and best practices to the plan.
The page acts as a display for the best practices involved,
By clicking on an individual best practice you can manage individual best
Once the plan is finalized or approved, the plan can no
longer be edited and you will need to revise, create an exit plan or an annual
To edit the plan, Select the Select best practice button
which will allow you to modify every aspect of the best practice.
To preview the plan and see how it looks, Click the generate
plan icon. This will not finalize or approve the plan.
Sensitive Checkbox- By checking this off, the measurable behavior will be removed by the printable plan in the case that there is sensitive information that should not be included for the recipient of the plan.
By select an individual plan, You will be able to edit what
applies to it.
be sure to check off individual users and the areas
substantially limited or the areas of difficulty.
Both the Areas of difficulty and assigners are populated for
the information in the previous screen. in order to add more assignees or areas
of difficulty, Move back to the plan and they will be available to select.
This popup will reflect what is generated on the plan.

To rate the plan, Select the rating, Add the experience in a
short paragraph and select the green plus button.
Do not hit the save or save and continue, This is to save
the areas of difficulty and areas substantially limited.
Services work similar to areas of difficulty but are not
applied to individual best practices.
To add additional services, Click the

Once you hit the green plus, a popup box will appear where
you can add information on the service.
You can add as many as you need.

have completed these 4 tabs, this plan will be saved as a PDF which you can
print or send to responsible staff.
I&RS Ratings
The use of this tab allows the & RS team to receive feedback after the
intervention strategies have been utilized for a period of time. The I & RS team can also rate the
effectiveness of the best practices too.
The I&RS Ratings tab houses a summary of every Best
Practice rating for the entire intervention.
Rather than going to the I&RS Plan tab and clicking into
every single Best Practice, the user can come to the I&RS Ratings tab to
see all ratings laid out in list form.
Opening this tab will allow the team to see the ratings of
each best practice.
Quick Check
The Quick Check tab shows whether a student has improved or
declined in a handful of key areas since the start of the intervention.
The Documents tab houses all documents associated with the
intervention. You can also store case
specific information here that may originate from a
parent/guardian/doctor/behavior specialist/etc.
System Documents
The System Documents area stores common documents needed on
a regular basis, like letters sent home to parents or questionnaires.
Uploaded Documents
The Uploaded Documents area stores documents unique to the
particular intervention, such as a homework assignment or a note from a
Case Notes
The Case Notes tab houses any Additional Information or
Notes that come up during the investigation that do not have another natural
landing spot in HIBsterVention.
The Audit tab houses the automatically generated records of
everything done and saved in HIBsterVention. This allows a school district to
know exactly what changes were made, when they were made and who made them.